Wednesday, March 07, 2007

ambiguous? maybe not.

so, my boss has started reading my dissertation. i had told him i considered the protein results huge but i would not share them in advance. i, of course, have since worried that i overstated things and he would be disappointed in the results.

thus far today, i have received three emails from him. the first:

HOLY are going to be famous! WOW!

later dudettee....perseverance.....pays......wahoo

then three minutes later:
Will you be able to withstand the impulse to say I TOLD YOU Dr. AA?

and finally two minutes after that:
I am going to ask the person that asked me to speak to the nephrology group to let you and I do it together......I will give the lead in on the work that preceeded the protein stuff and then introduce you to DROP THE BOMB!

the question is, do you think i overstated things?

[insert picture of me smiling]


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Congrats!

Denise said...

Well, he did seem a bit underwhelmed there for a moment...

Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you.

I've never been in the rooting section for a PhD before. Would pompoms be overkill? If not, what colors would you like?

Anonymous said...

yeah. no shit - awesome.