Monday, February 04, 2008

its my birthday...

yes it's today.
i went and worked and taught and learned 
and then i got to play.

[to the catching tune 'It's not my birthday' by the notable They Might Be Giants]

so, yeah, today was my birthday. i got several super-awesome presentsL
  1. Mom and Rol came for the weekend. we celebrated the miracle of getting to enjoy these moments together, laughed, and then celebrated some more.
  2. Travy and i had a Super Bowl party. some friends were present, many far away though very present in my heart. the game was a rousing upset- testament that spirit triumphs best odds. i reflected on my blessings-again some far and some near-and sent a wellspring of love to those far and  deep in wells of grief right now.
  3. Travy and i spent the latter half of the day together just enjoying. i would like to say we went out partying and dancing just because what is to follow sounds a couple decades past our dates... we actually watched silly movies and played backgammon (you heard me) with our kiddos curled around our toes. Mr Head even came out and snuzzled his catnip heart (courtesy of Denise's Toby from Yin and Yarn). 
  4. Mr. Head's biopsy came back and he doesn't have cancer in his nose. we don't really know what IS happening, but i will take 'Not cancer' for today.
so there you go. a lovely, peaceful weekend and day of family, friends, love and reaffirmation of miracles and we even still have cake. what's not to like?


Denise said...

Happy Birthday, Jacqui!!

(belated, unfortunately - I saw your post a day late)

Spinny Bunt said...

Happy Birthday!!
See you next week.

magnusmog said...

Happy Birthday!

Cathy said...

Belated Happy Birthday Jacqui!!

Pam said...

It's 2 days later, but in my heart it's still your birthday. You are most loved, appreciated and venerated! Love, love, love to YOU and joy too!

Angela said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

I'm hoping to make it to Madrona to see you.