Sunday, May 27, 2007

so the original title of this post was...

"a 'quiet' weekend at home" but i didn't quite have an opportunity to post until now.

today i figure i will settle back into routine with so;me knitting posting after a day where even I (who can justify almost anything) lose my empathy for my clients.

but now it turns out that today...

so what can i share?

well... i shipped off the afghans to the yarn shop Mom discovered in Blacksburg.

the weekend was crazy stressful busy but Travy and i got buckets accomplished. i got my bifocals and am now continously disoriented and seasick when wearing glasses (though i trust i will acclimate with time). my flight was unremarkable and i used the hour to finish the first of a pair of Tennessee socks* for Travy. today was so sucky and annoying that i almost wish i could return to Dr. Death week. my new 'neighbors' are moderately noisy but i am getting by. and now the upside is that Panic Room is on TNT and i love Jodie Foster and have never seen it. okay... knitting content to return once Flickr is done with its massage. be well.

*if you don't have some orange-n-white to wear on game days in Knoxville, i am pretty sure they stone you... not to cross the Bible belt or anything (no pun intended)...


Denise said...

So, are you all moved now?

I love how the Jaywalker socks turned out, glad you enjoyed the yarn! (tried to leave a comment on the last post about the socks but the comment link was missing).

Cathy said...

My Knoxville friend and our buddy the FL Gators fan really get into it at game time. I say the orange and white socks will prevent injury.