Saturday, November 01, 2008

Mr. Head: 1993 - 2008

it was a good ride.

today, Mr. Head finally hung up his spurs.

Mr. Head

here he is as i will always remember him - my pushy, lovey baby.

it was a good death...

even more importantly, it was a wonderful life.

we are inconsolable.

but time will bring the healing.


Ann said...

So very sorry for your loss.

Cathy said...

I'm sorry - altho a wonderful life and a good death are always things to celebrate.

magnusmog said...

So sorry about that - glad to know that that you have lots of good memories.

Denise said...

Oh, Jacqui, I'm so sorry to read the sad news about Mr. Head.

I wish I were there to give you a big hug. take care.

Spinny Bunt said...

Jacqui, I'm so sorry. Big hugs.

Angela said...

Oh :(

A big hug to the whole family.

Melanie said...

Oh dear, it's been a while since I checked in on you. I'm so sorry for your loss. Big virtual hugs to you.