Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!!

my New Year's Eve went just swimmingly, as i hope did yours, and extended late into the afternoon yesterday. after making plans to rent a 4-wheel drive vehicle and get the heck outta Dodge, i found myself swamped with invites on Friday. try as i might, i was unable to attend all the parties but did make it to shindigs in Fort Lupton, Longmont, and Fort Fun.

the highpoints:
- Fort Lupton: i learned firsthand what a pirogi is and indulged in both steamed and fried varieties.
- Longmont: i mastered the finer points of Texas Hold'em and was invited to join a weekly game. (Luck, be a lady!)
- back in Fort Fun, i almost stopped to invite a cop to the party after he tailed me 10 minutes. at the last second, he apparently lost interest and headed off into the wilds. the female impersonator was gorgeous, the stairway divine for grand entrances, the iridescent silver boa (with tails) tempting, the vodka martinis killing, and the bubbly abundant. (who knew Auld Lane Syne could be sexy?) all in all, it was probably best that i forgot my camera.

i am not entirely sure but think i agreed to host an over the top dinner party in anticipation of my birthday. the hosts at the last gig had been intended guests to my party last year, but my mother's unfortunate womano i vano experience put a kabosh on the event, never rescheduled. they reminded me that i owe them a party so now i'd better start building a guest list and menu... a little daunting as i have no staircase, no piano and over half my friends have moved away.

still, no one can set a kitchen on fire like me and i still have a couple weeks to regenerate a friend base suitable for fine and frivolous dining. speaking of which, those in town for January and interested, please let me know!

today i finally got hold of Mom. she reports that the flight was taxing but survivable, the baby squishy and cute, and their overall experience positive. this hurdle out of the way, we can start planning our trip to Manhattan for my birthday! suggestions welcome-i haven't been since shortly after 9/11 and i suspect a lot has changed since then.

all in all, a very successful end to a hideously challenging year and propitious start to a new one. so i bid you all

Welcome to 2006-May it bring you all joy, love, and wonder each of its 365 days!

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