Saturday, February 04, 2006


i thank everyone for the email and text messages. i spent pretty much the whole day on the phone with doctors and in the hospital. Grandma almost made it home but not quite. eventually we headed back home to get ready for a 'birthday celebration'. there was a note that i had been sent a package that the postal service would not leave and that cannot be picked up till after my plane departs. quite a birthday.

i was blessed with dinner at 'the Club' with Bill, Kelly, Mom and Rol. unfortunately, i was so exhausted and disheartened, i really couldn't enjoy it fully but it was wonderful to be together regardless of the circumstances... tomorrow will probably be another full day of hospital time and doctor calls. actually, i anticipate the entire next month will be more of the same, both from CO and on return trips here.

i think i am not going to have birthdays anymore. at all. i haven't the stamina or emotional fortitude for it all...

so here officially i cry 'uncle.'

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